The four magic teachers

The four magic teachers

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Tables and prezi

Sorry for uploading most of the posts together and late, I had problems with time, and Internet (sometimes gets really crazy and too diffcult; I made some drafts without wanting it...).
Here are the tables of our last project "Convivencia y ayuda entre iguales":

And the prezi:

“Cromosoma 5”

The film was focused on the rare syndrome ‘Cri du chat’ (cat cry in French), named like that because crying looks like a meow of a cat. An early kid, Andrea, had problems since she was born (not to talk much, weird crying, can´t express herself splendidly, not to sit down properly) she had slanted features.

The syndrome was provoked because of missing a part of chromosome 5. It was a really hard situation for parents; they feel unready to deal with it. By the way, they did their best to make her to learn and live well.
Three days per week Andrea went to a special school. She had friends who accept her despite her syndrome and who have a method to communicate with her by cryptograms, treating her in a normal way. Andrea’s sister took to understand her, but finally they played together without any problem.

Nobody is prepared or not to these situations, but the attitude is the important clue. Parents have to assent this and struggle to give the greatest to the kid. Some parents get scared of how other children will treat their child in a normal school, because it influences in surroundings. But it wasn’t the case of Andrea, she was well-treated. Other children did suffer bullying. One of the most important responsibilities of a teacher is to promote respect among students, avoid discrimination or violence, teaching equality.

It’s vital to make inclusive schools where children with disabilities can interact and work with more children. There must be teachers who can help this kind of student, and deal with these situations. All children have to be/feel part of school community. We have to work in integration.

We are going to enrich our lives by breathing new things and watching differences, in variety is the good. Accepting each other and respecting them we are going to change the world, and make it better.

My ideal school

The first day presented the project three groups. In our turn we showed our video, what, for me, it was really good. It was crazy to do it because we spent plenty of time working on it (around 40 hours) and we made an incredible effort, putting our brains and our technology into the limit; but I think we learnt a lot. For example I would highlight how we acted as a team; I think that was one of the best learnings of making this video. Be critical, listen to others, want to do our best are some examples of our learning and our attitude in this project.

By the way, we also learnt which classes’ disposition it’s better, how to apply or work with the RESPECT as the main learning, how to adapt schools to people with disabilities… At least we get our own idea of an ideal school, what I think it’s very important. It makes us to think how to change education.
HERE IS OUR VIDEO (with voice and without it too for Yolanda, in Youtube or Drobox just in case. There’s a file with other format to upload it faster.):

“Encendiendo Bombillas” showed their video too. It was longer than the supposed limit, but it wasn’t bored, it was dynamic. They did some interviews in different schools. They started with one in Azuqueca, where answers of teachers and head teacher demonstrate that they try to have a system in which children help other children, but only “the more needed of help”, and not to everyone. That’s not good enough, every kid needs a bit of help.

Relating to technology they used it but not in good way, that is to say, they read books there, so is the same as not using it. And in cooperative learning they only did some activities in pairs or three-group, so they didn’t practice it.

The second school was a private one placed in Alcalá; this group used the same methodology. This school was better but it did wrong things too. In the individual education, teachers followed kids who needed more help, so it was in the same case as the previous school. In that school they linked the subjects’ content with daily life examples; and they focus a lot on languages and cooperative learning.

But it also existed other teachers that didn’t use technology and they used the individual disposition of classes or had different relationships among pupils. This video was finished with an explanation about how their ideal school was, but it was by showing personal thinking and with interviews to education workers.

The ideal school was based on many rooms for the different necessities of subjects, use a lot of technologies but in the good way and, of course, by respecting and accepting everyone, and making children learn by cooperative working.

“Minions” presented a great video, funny and original. Performing real “Gru” film they create an inclusive school changing the internal organization of today schools and talking about all the theory. In fact, it was too much theory to follow at the same time the guide and the video, but it was entertaining.

Main ideas were integration and inclusion for everyone, communication between teachers and students and also among teachers, and work with cooperative learning. In this project the school was provided of proper installations to each activity.
At the first time the proposal wasn’t accepted but as children are the main characters in schools, it changes into a satisfying organization and structure referred to kid’s necessities.

Second day of this project presented two last groups. “KIA” performed a TV show but changing the main topic, the result: “This school is a ruin”. They start with several things schools should change, like disposition of classes in order to work in groups, installations like wider corridors or elevators for people with incapacities, or activities with other courses.

After that they established their ideal school. It was made with “Playmobil” dolls in a very original way, so hardwork was well reflected. And with pictures we could realized how the school would be. Referred to external structure they proposed that each subject had a specific room; a complete gym and swimming pool, library, computers…

This project was attractive and with good ideas, the only downside the slowly music, which make less dynamic to follow it.

The last group, LASH, made the project by images and meetings with some teachers. They did a drawing representing plenty of rooms they would like to have in their ideal school (for music, library, computers, laboratory…). They showed us some teachers’ views in which they talked about being like society out of school, with technology; and acting in community.

It was a good project, better than the previous one, so they learn, and it was entertaining.

Cooperative learning: Project reflection

This project was a really interesting one. We realized the importance of cooperative learning, working in group, and know how to influence in that sense. We learn how a group is inside. We have different roles and responsibilities. We have to plan our project in order to improve timelessness and our new projects, we have to have aims. One important thing is that we used different techniques, so we learn how to act as teachers and how to distribute tables.

We get deeper in each presentation, so by repeating and talking about them in class we learn a lot. We established our base concepts of teaching, as well as realized what is not good to teach, definitely, most of our education methods when we were younger. One of the best learnings we have gotten is the evaluation, in which each kid has to have at least a “good” mark because of effort, and not a “bad” one. Another one is the feelings we make them to feel at the time of playing one versus other. That’s why because we give prizes only to the “winner” and not different prizes in order to make every kid feel happy or successful.

Cooperative learning: Fifth day (Presentations of 25/02/2014)

Fifth day of expositions. It was the turn of Gizem, as she arrived late; she did it by her own. She did a great job, but it was more difficult. It was the perfect example of “It’s better to share ideas with someone”, so this project made sense, and we experimented and realized the importance of cooperative learning.
The structure of the presentation was: Index – “team plan” (individual, with her aims but without microtasks, neither the time spent) – Didactic unit – bibliography.

The didactic unit consisted on History subject. It was directed to 5th of Primary. There were three sessions. First session consisted on a theoretical class ended with a video to get clearer the ideas and the content. Using a video is a great resource, and children use to like this kind of activities, we only have to focus on the amenity of it but, in a beginning, it’s better than a teacher’s explanation; at least, in a theoretical lesson.
Second session was in base teams which each kid had a topic of the content to explain after that, in experts’ teams, to the rest of the group. It was, as many of us used, by Jigsaw technique so children learn by working in groups.

The second part of this session was an excursion to a museum, where children would analyze and observe to artworks for a next activity. I think it’s better to draw them because of museum’s permission. They would have to be in groups or teams, but in a museum it’s better to be a couple or a three-people group, so that they participate and they would really be part of the activity.

The final session consisted on, by base teams, talk about their museum experience and do a mural with their pictures or drawings.

The final prizes were different in order to give one to every group. They were “most cooperative group”, “most original”… That was perfect, but, I would change the prizes by agreeing with pupils what they consider a prize or not.

To conclude the exposition Gizem showed us the self-evaluation, which was good, because “bad” result wasn’t contemplated. That is because if children make an effort, the project will be minimum good.

It was a really good presentation; it could be better by being a group, but being only one, it was quite good. She had to work a lot to do it.

Cooperative learning: Fourth day (Presentations of 20/02/2014)

Fourth day of presentations. The group that exposed today was LASH. The theme of the project was the food and the different types of alimentation that exist. The structure of the work was: index - team plan time with all the groupal aims – didactic unit.

The main objective was to talk better in public in English. That’s not my case, but I can understand it. The aim in which I have to focus, I think is to organize myself in order to do everything with more calm.

The didactic unit was directed to first course of Primary. It consisted on 5 sessions. In the first one, by using jigsaw technique, the divided the class in base teams in order to deal the content of the diets. The second session of the sequence was an interesting one, because they would go to computer classroom to search for more data. With this activity children would learn how to search information, best websites to use, and they would practice critical thinking. As technology is increasing its use in our daily life, we have to use it in the school, so the children will learn how to act in our society.

The third session was another interesting activity: create a mural of knowledge acquired. With this activity they socialize because of the groupal working time and they train creativity. The fourth lesson consisted on children becoming teachers by base teams, explaining all the content they have learned.

To conclude the sequence they propose a game by Team Games Tournaments technique, what is great, because children learn by playing. The problem was that they did it in the wrong way, so that the prizes were for kids that answer, and that means a competition and of course, winners and losers. To solve this problem, we, as teachers, have to establish different prizes, so that everyone wins something. Prizes can be to the most participative team, to the most original, to the most cooperative, respectful…

They planned self-assessment and co-assessment with good intentions but by doing difficult questions for children which could be improved by expressing theirselves in an easier form. By the way, the assessment was good in the sense of qualifications, because a work is not considered to be “bad” so that motivates every kid.

In conclusion, it was good work, really improved respecting to the first tried. They didn’t use too much technology, but it was interesting and they worked the most important thing, cooperative learning.

lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

Reflection of Cromosoma 5

The Crosoma 5 is a documentary about a premature child, Andrea, who is special.  After a lot of time researching about what happen with Andrea, the doctor finally said that she has a Lejeune syndrome or also called cri du chat. This mean that the cromosoma 5 is not totally complete.
How Andrea’s mother said, is difficult to understand how a minuscule absence of part of cromosoma 5 can affect in this way. How can change person skills so drastically  preventing communicate as other children, or do normal things or even express by herself.
I admire the strong with the family fight against this, they fight for Andrea’s happiness, she can train and have a good future. Other thing who I loved was the relationship between Andrea and her little sister, is incredible how can beneficiate children to other children because without she, although their parents fight so much how they do, Andrea’s situation probably  would be worst. Her sister do the situation more normal as possible and allow to Andrea live little details of normal life. This is the charming of the children I suppose. They act in a so natural way that always transmit good energy. For example when some children are interviewee they way in which talk about Andrea is so innocent and loving. I understand that having a special child must be so hard and maybe you live the worst moments of your life, but also every little step is seen as a big victory, and gift you the best moments that someone imagine. 
A deep part of me wish live a situation as this, obviously no with my future children, because in this type of situation is hard for the parents not only for all sacrifices what they have to do,  also the worried about your children’s future, if they will can marry with someone, have a family... But  I would like live the fights and happiness that this bring with it  because I think that you will live a lot of types of happiness and sadness along of your life  but something like that is totally different to all of them. I know that maybe this not have sense but it’s true, in part I would like know how is live that.

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Project about our ideal school.

This weeks we have been working about a new project, in our works team, as always. This project was more abstract and complicated than the previous was because we had to think a original way to show what we have learnt about some documents which we had to read about the education system and how must be a inclusive schools with the people who need help or have problems to integrate in the society.

This is a difficult situation to the people and sometimes the children with this types of problems have had a horrible experiences which mark him forever. However, I’m totally agree with something that Yolanda said, The children aren’t racist or  cruel with other persons, absolutely. The children are the person more pure and innocents and  they don’t  have prejudices. I saw on twitter a picture that show exactly this, I like it:

This would have to think what we are doing wrong if innocent people become in a people with prejudices. The adult must be careful to don’t  pass their social ideas to the children. The children have to know the world by their self and make their owns ideas about the society. I think that it is a common mistake  in the school, families… in the society. The most of adult treat different a persons who don’t be like them, because the are from other part of the world, or they haven’t any par of the body, of they have problems to communicate… the school have to do that this little differences don’t be something about worry. And the school have to be ready with appropriate infrastructure but also mental and psychologically to accept children with some type of  disability. In this way they can feel comfortable and the learning can flow. Because in cases like this the most important is the positive attitude of school, the teacher and the students.

I think that this is the main ideas of the project, then each groups focus in differents ideas and make their videos in different and original ways. In  general I think that all we did a great work and all projects was very interesting.

domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

Reflection of chromosome 5 documentary

Last week we saw a documentary based on a not very common syndrome called 'cri du chat' because the crying seems to a meow of a cat. Andrea is the main character of this story, she was a premature child and she had problems since her birth. She didn’t talk a lot, she had a strange crying, she couldn't express herself very well, she didn't sit down correctly and she had slanted features. After some months, doctors detected she the syndrome cri du chat caused by the lack of a part of chromosome 5. It was a very hard new for her parents, they weren't prepare to face with this situation. They fight everyday to give the best to their daughter, helping her to improve and learn new things. Andrea didn't go to a normal school everyday, she went three days to a special one. Although her syndrome, she had many friends that understand and accept her. They learned some signs and symbols to communicate with her and they didn't think she was special. Andrea had a sister, Billie, at the beginning she didn’t understand very well Andrea's behavior but then they played together and understand each other.

Any parent is prepared to have a child with a syndrome or disease but they have to accept it and fight to give their children the best. A disease not only affects to the involved person but also to the people around him or her. Many parents in this situation are afraid about what could happen if their children go to a normal schools because the other students may not understand and may make fun of them. Andrea was lucky because she didn't suffer bullying but in the documentary appear some children who suffered it. In bullying situations teachers have an important role to teach students to respect each other (no discriminate anyone) and make them aware that we are all equal.

Another important aspect is to make inclusive schools were any children regardless their disability can go, because is very important to them the interaction and cooperation with others. There should be teachers prepared to face these situations, able to teach and help this type of students. They have to be integrate so that they don't feel excluded and they become part of the school community. Finally I want to say that we should learn from each other because the differences make the world more exciting.

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014


El martes vimos un documental llamado Cromosoma; sin lugar a duda, es un documental muy impactante, que te hace pensar sobre el sentido de la vida y sobre todo de la valentía que es el enfrentarte a algo nuevo para ti por luchar y ayudar a los tuyos.

La película trata de una familia que tuvo una hija prematura, en un primer momento su esperanza de vida era mínima sin embargo, Andrea salió adelante después de estar un mes en la incubadora pero Andrea nació con un retraso psicomotriz y mental. Cuando pasó un tiempo, la médica les explico que esa enfermedad se trataba por la pérdida de una parte del cromosoma 5, y era una enfermedad minoritaria que recibe poca ayuda por parte de la sociedad.

La madre se planteaba como algo tan pequeño, que es lo que le faltaba a su hija, podía afectarle tanto y como su vida había dado un gran giro; cosas que desde luego yo también me hubiera planteado. Sin embargo, los padres decidieron salir adelante con su hija, luchando por ella y con el miedo de si algún día la podría pasar algo. Finalmente, junto con su hermana pequeña, Andrea es muy feliz y día a día todos luchan porque reciba un pequeño progreso en su vida.

Desde luego, nunca estás preparado para algo así; un familiar así te cambia la vida totalmente sin embargo, nunca hay que dudar por luchar por él y por su felicidad. Yo he tenido una experiencia así y desde luego que me encantaría poder volver a vivir momentos como los que he vivido, porque una sonrisa de alguien con una enfermedad mental es la mejor satisfacción que la vida te puede regalar.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

Presentación día 13-2-14

El día 13 de marzo expusieron los otros dos grupos restantes;  el primero en exponer fue el grupo Kia compuesto por Ana Escribano, Ana Gónzales, Gizem y Pablo. Su video se basó en el programa de “esta casa es una ruina” sin embargo utilizaron la palabra escuela. En este video había numerosos técnicos que con un listado de cosas que los profesores querían cambiar, programaban esa escuela con aulas específicas, con una gran biblioteca, y gran integración de personas discapacitadas. El video estaba muy bien, además utilizaba los “playmobil”, sólo les faltaba la música, pues no acompañaba.

El otro grupo que expuso fue LASH, el grupo compuesto por Laura Borné, Andrea, Sara Sánchez y Héctor. Este grupo entrevistó a numerosos profesores de la facultad y usaron una cartulina en la que estaba dibujada la escuela; lo que más me llamó la atención fue la organización externa, es decir, como estaba el edificio organizado estéticamente, pues utilizaba elementos bastante modernos como son las escaleras de caracol; como todos los demás contaba con aulas especializadas como es el aula de baile; también se centraban en el trabajo en equipo y en la resolución de problemas.

Presentación día 11-3-14

El día 11 de marzo ha sido nuestro primer día de presentaciones de “mi escuela ideal”; desde luego que había muchas ganas de ver esos videos después de todo el trabajo que tienen detrás.

Los primeros en enseñarnos su escuela ideal ha sido el grupo encendiendo bombillas, compuesto por Laura, Javi, Elisa y Mónica; y desde luego que nos dejaron con un buen sabor de boca. A pesar de ser el video más largo de la clase, fue mucho más ameno de lo que todos esperábamos; este grupo había entrevistados a dos colegios, uno concertado y otro público, y a los niños de respetivos colegios (los cuales, sin ninguna duda, fueron los más graciosos).
Lo que me llamo la atención fue como les vas a preguntar acerca de determinadas aulas, si las tienen, como se distribuyen y todos los profesores o los directores, te dicen que lo tienen aunque sea mentira o no lo usen. Es decir, en el video salió que tenían buen acceso para los discapacitados y luego nos aclaró nuestra compañera que no tenían ascensor, o por ejemplo dicen que hay aulas digitalizadas como fuente de aprendizaje y luego sólo la utilizan los profesores.
En ese colegio público salen explicando que el trabajo cooperativo es muy escaso, que los niños se sientan por parejas y se ayuda a los niños que tienen dificultades; esto me parece bastante mal, es decir, el trabajo cooperativo fomenta el aprendizaje y es algo que habría que llevar a la aulas. En cuanto al uso de la biblioteca está muy controlado aunque se puede pasar en el recreo. Esto me parece bien, solo que si en la biblioteca siempre hay una persona, evitaríamos esa restricción.
En el colegio concertado al que fueron mis compañeros, una de las profesoras dice que se da una gran cooperación entre todas las personas que trabajan en el colegio, cosa que me parece fundamental pues de esta manera se reparten las tareas, permitiéndote centrarte en algo y ser más concreto. Las evaluaciones son muy parecidas al colegio público, los niños hacen exámenes individuales y se les va evaluando con fichas o diferentes actividades.
En este cole, sí que utilizan el aprendizaje cooperativo con grupos. La profesora cuenta que cada grupo tiene un nombre y se cambia entorno a 4 veces al año; esto me parece muy bien, pues así todos los niños trabajan con todos.
En cuanto a la entrevista a los niños, todos quieren empezar más tarde y que el recreo dure más; unos establecen que a algunos niños se les trata mejor porque ellos están siempre en la silla de castigados, cosa que me parece muy mal, todos los niños son iguales y no habría que hacer ningún tipo de exclusión; y por supuesto, todos quieren usar las nuevas tecnologías y que no sea sólo el profesor; yo creo que esto fomentaría el aprendizaje, la motivación, la participación,..
En cuanto a la “escuela ideal” de mis compañeros no se aleja mucho a lo que los demás hemos hecho, es decir, un colegio que tenga diferentes culturas, en el que el trabajo cooperativo esté presente en las clases, que todos los niños sean iguales y que tengas todas las aulas necesarias para el desarrollo de sus habilidades. Con evaluaciones continuas y donde la tecnología esté presente.

Los segundos en exponer fue el grupo de los minions, compuesto por Irene, Elisabeth, Ainara, Isabel y Raúl. Los cuales hicieron un gran trabajo, acoplando las voces de “mi escuela ideal” a los personajes de la película de gru. El video incluía una gran cantidad de teoría acerca del cambio de los peores aspectos de la escuela, sin embargo fue muy divertido. Se daba importancia al trabajo en grupo, y a la evaluación y autoevaluación; las personas discapacitadas estaban muy integradas y tenía todo tipo de instalaciones de interés como puede ser cafetería, pistas deportivas…

sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014

Presentations video 'Our ideal school' of 13/03/2014

This day two groups showed us their videos about how their ideal school would be. The first group was KIA composed by Pablo, Ana Gónzalez, Ana Escribano and Gizem. They made a video based on a TV program but they called it 'This school is a ruin'. First they talked about the bad things of nowadays schools like narrow corridors where there is little space, lineal tables where children can't work in a cooperative way, there aren't collaborative activities between all the courses, there are few elevators which is a problem to disabled people, etc. Then they planned how their ideal school would be and what things they would have to change. One thing very interesting is that they created their school using playmobil toys. I think they have made a very hard work and they have obtained good results. We understood perfectly how it would be because we saw it in a real way. They would like to have one room for each subject like a music room, a laboratory, a maths room, etc. They would also have computers so that children learn how to use and work with them, a library, a resting room, a swimming pool, a very equipped gym and a theater. The video was interesting and creative but they didn't choose a good music so the video was a little bit slow. In general I think they have made a very good job, they have explained things very clear and they have cooperate among them (which was one of the aims of this project).

The other group was LASH composed by Sara Sánchez, Laura Borné, Andrea and Héctor. They explained their ideal school using pictures and interviewing some teachers. Through a poster they showed that they would like to have a music room, staffroom, dining room, library, computers room, art room, laboratory swimming pool, a soundproof dance room and a mechanical ramp. They also introduced some opinions of teachers about the importance of having technologies in schools, that schools are like a society so we have to solve internal and external problems and try to cooperate as a community. They made a very good job and they solved very well the problems they had in the previous work so they have learned to work as a team. The video was creative and entertaining so I liked a lot their work. 

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Presentations video 'Our ideal school' of 11/03/2014

Today three groups have presented their videos about 'Our ideal school', one of them was my group. I am very satisfied with the results of my group, because in my opinion we have made a very good project. We have worked a lot, spending many hours on creating the video but I think that we also have learned many things. Not only theoretical aspects (such as the most important things of a school, not discriminate, respect each other, accept the rest without relying on race or disabilities, the best disposition of rooms, etc); but we also have learned to cooperate as a team. As I said, we have spent too many hours together so we have learned to work in a team, respect others opinions, be critical with all the ideas, cooperate between us, etc. I think the most important thing for the group to work well, is to collaborate and that everyone cares about the results and the group functioning.

Another group that has presented their video, was 'Encendiendo bombillas' composed by Elisa, Mónica, Laura Sanz and Javier. They made a long video (more than the time estimated) but at the end it was entertaining and interesting because they have included many things. At the beginning they have interviewed some directors and teachers of Alcalá and Azuqueca schools, which was very interesting. The first school was a public school of Azuqueca and after interviewing teachers and students, we can make conclusions. Students help each other but only to those who need help, without been conscious that everyone needs help. They also mentioned that they use technology in class but only to read the same of the book, so this is not a well use of technologies. Moreover, they don't cooperate too much in class only in some activities they compare between two or three people; so they don't develop collaborative skills. The second school was a private school of Alcalá and they also interviewed some teachers and students. Here there are better things but also worse; teachers make an individual follow but only too those who need more attention, they connect the topics with examples of the real life, they encourage children to learn different languages and make many activities for children to work in groups. In the other hand there are other teachers that put students sitting individually, they don't take advantage of all the benefits of technologies, and some of them give a different treatment to some students. At the end of the video they explained how their ideal schools would be by giving their own opinions and asking to some teachers of the university. They would have a school with many rooms (music room, laboratory, library, gym, swimming pool, etc), they would use many types of technologies to learn not only to read the same of the book (such as tablets, computers or videogames), they would accept all the people without discriminating anyone and they would encourage the cooperation and teams work.
The other group that presented their video was 'Los minions' composed by Elisabet, Ainara, Irene, Isabel and Raúl. I really like this work because they made a very creative and entertaining video. They introduced all the theoretical aspects through a story of minions where they decided to change the organizations of nowadays schools and create an inclusive one. Maybe they included many theory but the video wasn't boring. In their schools they would include all the people (even those who have disabilities), teachers would have to encourage students, they would also have to communicate with other teachers, let students to work in groups, everyone should learn from others, the school would have two elevators, a music room, a meeting room, a dinning room, a cafeteria, a break room and sports installations. At the beginning the director didn't accept the proposal but then he realized that the most important figures of a school are the students; so its organization and structure must try to satisfy the needs of children.

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Cooperative learning: Third day (Presentations of 18/02/2014)

Second day of expositions.   The first group was “Encendiendo Bombillas” (Elisa, Mónica, Laura Sanz and Javier).  They present about the environment. The structure was: Introduction (with the index) - Team plan (responsibilities, aims…) – Science sequence  – Bibliography.

The didactic unit consisted on 4 sessions. In the first one, the class would be separated in base teams, using Jigsaw technique. I think it’s one of the best techniques to practice cooperative learning; in fact, most of us used this method.  The secret is that every child has importance in the group so, as teachers, we create a respectful atmosphere where everyone can expose his/her ideas.

The second lesson was to prepare an excursion to botanic garden. Children would do it in experts’ teams to share different information in order to plan and organize it. I think excursions and this kind of activities are great for children to really learn and remember different experiences because they enjoy more, they live the theory the use to listen.

So the third session is the proper excursion to botanic garden, where kids are going to search for information and plants feature.

The last session was quite interesting, but I missed a clearer specification, because at our assessment time we didn’t know what was the exactly aim or work. It consisted on, by groups; make a notebook with pictures and plants information. I think it’s great to have a binnacle in groups, too interesting, but I have doubts what is better: groupal notebook or an individual one. I really like the idea of having one per group, but maybe, it is more beautiful to have on each person.

This Organization team proposes to give a regard, a certificate to each child, what is perfect. They also propose other 5 different awards (prettiest notebook, more information, better understanding of the topic, most cooperative group and better use of materials). One of the prizes was a positive point, but only for one, maybe that’s better for a common prize. Other prize was to explain the next lesson, what may be is not a prize for them, so we have to talk with them in order to know what they consider a prize or not.
They finish the didactic unit with a self-evaluation for the pupils, in order to make them to reflect about their projects and what they can do better. It is a good idea to promote critical thinking and develop self-concept skills.

In conclusion, it is a great project with interesting ideas. Children are going to learn too much, but what it’s more important, they are going to do it by enjoying their time.

Global Reflexion

I think that this project have helped us a lot to understand in what consist the cooperative learning. In addition at the time that we doing the presentations about this topic we are practising this applying the theory as different techniques, the organization of group as each one have to have a rol, a responsibility, each one has to get their own objective and team objective… Later to see presentation after presentation we have depped in the ideas so is a good way to learn and don’t forget.

 This way of learning not only serve us to learn and apply this topic, in addition it serve us to know the tipical wrongs which we don’t know that is a mistake but in fact, it is. For example, we must’n evaluate to students using ‘bad, ‘good’ and ‘very good’ because they can think that we don’t valorate their efforts, so we always must valorate them with ‘good’ and ‘very good’ and may be ‘really good’ for exceptional situations. Also that sometimes we don’t be concients that the exercises that we propose do that the children compite between them, so we must be very careful with that. Another thing with we must be careful too is the prizes, we can’t give a prize to a student and other student don’t. Always  have to  exist prizes for everyone,if it isn’t this way they can think that their efforts are recognized as I said before. Always we must do that the children feel importants and they are part of something.

The Last Presentation of Cooperative Learning Project. 25/02/2014

Today has been the last day of presentation, today was the day of Gizem. She has to do the project alone because she comes from turkey when the projects  already was working.
Her project was divided in 5 sessions which they are very entertaining because they do several activities like go to the museum or preparing a poster…
The structure is the same as most of us at first doing base groups, in this case 5 groups of 4 members and for the visit to the museum the class is divided in groups of experts in which each member has a subtopic, then they return to their base groups and preparing a poster.
Gizem has marked good her objectives but she didn’t or she didn’t show us her planification, her table times. I consider that is a important point because is where she demostrate that she know organize herself. Other point in which I don’t agree and she isn’t the only that did that is about the prizes. I share that all students have to be rewarded for their effort but in my opinion those examples aren’t appropriate. If I were the pupil and this I commented with some partners , I wouldn’t consider as award doing other exposition in front of more people. Sincerely, I don’t think that some children think it. Besides that, I think that the differents rewards haven’t sense each them, It’s totally different do the exposition again and organize a picnic or other activity for you partners.

Leaving that a side, I think that she has done a great job and in the presentation she has been pleasant and friendly.

Presentation of 20/02/2014

This day the group LASH composed by Laura Borné, Héctor, Andrea y Sara Sánchez have presented their project about the different  types of diet.
They started with the index where their explined their plan, also they showed their team plan, their objectives, their materials and each one talked about his personal commitments and the techniques which they used to do it that they are used the popular jigsaw technique and at the end they included TGT technique.

In the first session they divide the class on six groups with 4 members each one the way that they can help each other and divided the lesson in 4 subtopics.
In the second session the teacher tech them how to look for information with computer, something that in my opinion they know to do already because they are digital natives. Each one search information about their topic. In the third lesson
The people who have the same subtopic share their ideas to make a mural. Then, in the fourth session they returned to their base groups and share the knowledge that they have learnt in the experts groups. This way all students know the main ideas of each subtopic. Finally they do a game with animals cards. And they do a self-evaluation, coo-evaluation and teacher evaluation.

 I think that it’s a good project but is a normal project, nothing special or original but the methodology is good.

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Presentation of 25/02/2014

Today Gizem has presented us her proyect about cooperative learning. She couldn't be able to work with her group so she did this presentation alone. When she explained us how had she felt, she told that it is more difficult to work individually than in groups because you can't know others' ideas; that is why cooperative learning is important.
She started her presentation with the index about her work. Then she explained us her personal plan including her objectives and personal commitments, but she forgot to include microtasks table and the timing. Then she talked about her didactic sequence focusing on historic subject of fifth grade of Primary Education. She divided it in 3 sessions. In the first session she will explain children theoretical aspects and then they will watch a video to have a better idea about the topic. I find useful to use audiovisual material in class because this attract the attention of students and they will put more emphasis on the learning process. On the second session, first she divided the class in base teams giving each one a topic and then they made expert groups to explain each other what they have learned. She used Jigsaw technique for children to learn and cooperate and I think it is a good idea. Most of us have used this technique and these groups because are useful and easy to work with in a class. In this second session, students will also make a museum tour. There they will have to analyse the scultures and take pictures of them so that then, they can do another activity. In the museum they had to work in big groups but I think is easiest for them to work in pairs better than in groups. With this,they will pay more attention to the activity and they will involve on it more. On the last session, students will have to make again base teams to collect all the photos they have taken, discuss about the tour and make a poster about it.
After all of this, there will be some prizes divided in different categories (most creative poster, most collaborative group...) so that almost everyone can win one of them. I think is correct to give them different prizes but we should be very careful with them. We first should decide with them what they would like to win, because for example Gizem said that one prize will be to present the work to the rest of the class. For example, in my opinion I don't think this should be a prize to some students, many of them hate to present their proyects in front of the class so this can be a punishment.
Finally she included a self-evaluation with a very good criteria and the bibliography. In the self-evaluation, shee put good, very good and excellent because if they have done the effort to make the activities, the mark can not be bad; at least good. 
In general, she read a lot the power point but she also include some comments. I think she made a very good job because she has done an extra effort by doing the work alone, nevertheless I think that we learn more by working in groups.

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014


Hoy, 25 de febrero ha sido la última presentación de trabajo cooperativo y ha sido expuesta por Gizen.

En su trabajo, ha hecho referencia al índice y la bibliografía así como a sus objetivos de trabajo y de los alumnos con la realización de esta secuencia didáctica y las finales autoevaluaciones; sin embargo, le han faltado las micro tareas, es decir, no ha hecho una especulación del tiempo que ha tardado en realizar las diferentes tareas de su trabajo comparándolo con el tiempo real. Yo y mi grupo lo hemos echado en falta ya que no sabes si se han cumplido o no sus previsiones.

En cuanto a su secuencia didáctica es bastante completa, son tres sesiones en las que se desarrollan los diferentes grupos de aprendizaje cooperativo. Además utiliza actividades y materiales extra como es la excursión y los ordenadores que hacen motivar a los alumnos, pues estos dos complementos no se utilizan porque sí si no que tienen una finalidad que es conjunta al objetivo de la secuencia; esta finalidad es la creación de un póster junto con su exposición.

En cuanto a los premios, todos los grupos reciben uno, es decir, se valoran los posters en función del más creativo, el que más información de manera sintetizada y práctica tenga, el más organizado,..y el mejor de todos expondría delante de todo el colegio. Sin embargo, mi grupo hemos pensado que el hecho de exponer y delante de tanta gente no es algo agradable para nadie; la profesora nos sugiere una posible alternativa que es preguntarles sobre lo que ellos entiende por premio y nosotros intentar motivarles para llegar a la presentación final.

A pesar de ser un trabajo sobre grupo cooperativo, Gizen lo ha realizado sola y nos cuenta que su experiencia no ha sido muy “agradable” ya que no puedes comparar con los demás lo que sabes, es decir, que se aprende más en grupo.

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Presentation of 18/02/2014

This day exposed their project the group composed by Elisa, Mónica, Laura Sanz y Javi, they are  'Encendiendo Bombillas'. This groups was one of my favourites, I think that their work was very complete and appropiate.

They started presenting the group and the project with the index. Then they showed us the commiments of each member of group, their objectives and, something that I think is very interesting what they have learnt and the objetives of the students. I think that is a great way to demostrate the learning. For this, they choose the topic about herbage for children from 3º and 4º of primary, second  cycle.

The first session is based in a theorical class where the pupils will  know the theroy and then they will do exercise in the computer. I think that is a good way to introduced them but is bored, maybe this session could be more funny.
In second session the activited programed I think is appropriate and relevant for practice the cooperative learning. This class is divided in fourg base groups in which each member specialize in one topic, then in experts group prepare the visit to botanical garden. Using the jigsaw technique. This visit wll be in third session in which the experts groups will work together. This is ver interesting.
The last session is focused in demostrate the learning, they have to do a notebook where they write all what they have learnt. Also they have to do a self-evaluation. I think that is good to check what they have learnt but I think that to do  the notebook can be something without sense, They must give it a sense, for example to do a mural with all notebooks, or change the notebook between groups, or show it to their parents... missing something, a goal. A great point is give a certificade to each one to recognize their efforts.

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

Presentation of 20/02/2014

LASH team composed by Laura Borné, Héctor, Andrea and Sara Sánchez; has presented today his work about the different types of diet. They started with the index of their work explaining all the parts it had, then they showed us their team plan in which they put their objecitves. As many groups, some of these objectives were improve talking in public and expressing ourselves in English; I know that for us is difficult to speak in public but talking in English make it even more difficult so we have to make an extra effort.
After that, they presented their didactic sequence about the types of diet for 1st grade of Primary. They divided it in 5 sessions. In the first session they made base teams to divide the information about the different types of diet so that each one had a part of the general topic; so they used the Jigsaw technique. In the second session they took children to the computer class, so that they can look for more information. I find interesting this activity because children will learn the best pages to search information, they will do it better and they will develop their critical skills. Due to the digital society we have nowadays, it is important to include technological tools at school. In the third session they made a mural with children about all they have learned so they have the opportunity to be creative, participate in a group and integrate with the rest of the children. In the forth session they made again base teams and students had to explain each other what they have learned and feel like if they were teachers. In the last session they made a game using TGT technique (team games tournaments). Although they didn't want to make this game a competition, at the end they did because they gave points to the children who answer the questions so at the end there will be one winner and the rest will be loosers. A good idea to improve this game, is try to make different prizes so that everyone can receive one (to the most creative answer, to the team in which all the members answer at least one question, etc.)
They include a self-evaluation and a coevaluation after the third session. These ideas are great but they made some mistakes. They used difficult vocabulary and expressions so children won't understand them; if they did easy questions instead of complicated affirmations, children would understand them better. However, there is one thing I liked because in the assessments instead of putting bad, regular, good and very good; they put good and very good and I think this is a motivating thing for children.With this, teachers expect that everybody will do at least good. Nobody will do their work bad because everyone will try it, some will do better and others less; but everyone will try and make an effort. To finish the work they included the bibliography.
I like this presentation because they have made a big effort and have checked their past mistakes. They didn't use audiovisual material like for example videos, so this makes the presentation a little bit boring, but at the end I found it interesting and a good content for children to learn. They made many acitivities in which children have to work in a cooperative way, being active and respecting each other.


Hoy, jueves 20 de febrero, ha expuesto el grupo de “LASH”. Este grupo está compuesto por Sara Sánchez, Laura Borné, Héctor y Andrea.
Para la realización del trabajo este grupo, en general, ha necesitado menos tiempo del que han previsto, cosa que es llamativa pues todos los demás grupos han necesitado bastante más. 

En cuanto a la hora de exponer, e igual que el grupo anterior, muchos de ellos exponían únicamente a la profesora e incluso solo leyendo del power-point, además no tenían muy preparado lo que tenían que decir en inglés y han estado hablando un poco por “lo bajini”; bajo mi opinión, estos son rasgos que restan puntos al trabajo, pues todos somos la clase, todos evaluamos y es mejor hacerlo ameno. En cuanto a sus objetivos tanto en la realización del trabajo como sus objetivos propios se han cumplido; respecto a sus objetivos de la unidad didáctica se centran en el aprendizaje cooperativo.

Su secuencia didáctica estaba orientada a una clase de 24 alumnos de 1º de Primaria. Ésta era sobre la alimentación animal y sus diferentes tipos; esta secuencia también me ha llamado mucho la atención pues como alumna me parece bastante interesante.

Se han centrado en las técnicas de Jitsaw y TGT y han utilizado nuevas tecnologías lo que motiva la implicación de los niños. Otro de los contenidos que han tratado ha sido la competición de manera indirecta, pues no lo han planteado como competición pero si que lo era, pues en una de sus sesiones era un juego en el cual había ganadores y perdedores. Según nos ha explicado la profesora, esto no se puede dar, pues todos los niños son ganadores por el hecho de participar en el juego e intentar mejorar. Por lo tanto , yo he aprendido que nunca hay que calificar un juego con puntos, en los que unos reciben más y otros reciben menos; si no usar, en el mismo juego, diferentes criterios. Estos criterios para valorar el juego pueden ser: puntos a los más creativos, puntos a los más rápidos,…

En cuanto a las evaluaciones, he aprendido que son muy positivas; pero cuando van destinadas a niños las evaluaciones deben de ser sencillas, es decir, hemos de plantearlas de la manera más clara posible.


El martes 18 de febrero fue nuestro segundo día de exposiciones. El primer grupo que expuso fue el de “Encendiendo bombillas”. Este grupo está compuesto por Elisa, Laura Sanz, Javier y Mónica.
Para la realización del trabajo, este grupo ha necesitado mucho más tiempo del previsto y sus propios retos, así como objetivos, han sido conseguidos. En cuanto a la hora de exponer, había algunos de ellos que lo hacían hacia la profesora, algo que queda “feo” pues no solo evalúa ella, lo hacemos toda la clase; sin embargo, también entiendo que es algo causado por los nervios.

Su secuencia didáctica es sobre el medio ambiente. Los objetivos como secuencia didáctica que tienen hacia sus estudiantes son la comunicación y cooperación evitando la competición, pues tratar dichos aspectos produce una mayor eficiencia en el trabajo final. Esta secuencia me parece bastante completa y si yo fuese un alumno me parecería bastante interesante, pues utiliza numerosos recursos como son las tecnologías, la excursión, el trabajo grupal,…que son cosas que motivan al alumno para que participen y se diviertan aprendiendo.

En cuanto a las técnicas usadas son el Jitsaw y el grupo de expertos, estas dos técnicas son las que han utilizado gran parte de mis compañeros, incluida yo, a mi me parecen técnicas muy interesantes y participativas, así como efectivas; pues todo el mundo aprende contenido, aprende a escuchar, aprende a colaborar, aprende a cooperar, etc. Además de todo esto, todos los niños reciben su certificado o su diploma por haber realizado o adquirido estos conocimientos. 

martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Presentation of 18/02/2014

Today “Encendiendo bombillas” team composed by Elisa, Mónica, Laura Sanz and Javier, has exposed their work about environment. First they presented the index of all the contents, then the plan team in which each one explained their role in the team and the objectives they had. Then they started with their didactic sequence of science's classes.
They divided the sequence into 4 sessions. In the first one they divided the class in base teams using Jigsaw technique. Most of the groups (including mine) have worked with this technique because in my opinion is a good technique to improve the cooperative learning among students. They have to cooperate, respect each others and share their ideas so each one has an important role on the team. In the second session they made experts teams to share the information and organize a trip to the botanical garden. Then in the third session all the students go to the botanical garden where they have to look for some information and characteristics of some plants. I think this is an interesting idea because instead of having children sitting on their chairs and listening to the teacher, they can go there and see all the theory with their eyes, real plants and they will learn more (visual learning). At the end, in the forth session each base team has to design a notebook including photos and characteristics of the plants. This activity wasn't clear to my group; when we had to evaluate them and discuss about their presentation, we didn't know exactly what children have to do in this activity (I mean if they have to write about all the plants, only the plants that each group had been working on, etc.). The problem I find here is that if they do a notebook in groups, then which person will keep it? From my point of view, is better if every student make a notebook so that then each one can keep one and show it to their parents. After doing these activities the teacher will give a certificate to each student what I think is good because like that everyone receives a prize for the effort and the interest. They also mentioned that they will give 5 prizes to the prettiest notebook, more information, understand better the topic, most cooperative group and the one that have used the materials better. I agree with this but I don't agree with some of the prizes. For example they mentioned that one prize was a positive point on the subject but this (as it may be very important for them) should be for all the students not only for one of them and another prize is to present the lesson what I think that children won't like this. 
At the end of the work they included a self-evaluation for students to reflect about their work and think what things can be improve, this is important and good for them. They also included the bibliography with all the pages they have accessed.
To sum up I like this project because they have had interesting and dynamic ideas so children will learn a lot. The activity I liked the most was the trip to the botanical garden because it will be entertaining and I am sure that children will enjoy it and learn a lot. 

viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Cooperative learning: Second day

The second day was our group the one who presented the project:

Cooperative learning: First day

11 of February of 2014. We did our first presentations for this subject. The special and different thing these presentations had was that we had to explain our team plan, new for us. We have to learn how to teach to work in group using different techniques by the time we teach a specific content. That’s the cooperative learning.

The first group was KIA (Kids in action). It was a good presentation, about the Solar system. Firstly was structured the planification, then the didactic unit and the references or sources or information. They had clear ideas and aims. Their techniques were Jigsaw and TGT.

One important aspect in this group is that they adapted to a new situation: A member less.

And what had I learn in that exposition? Well, I thing I would highlight the importance of sharing the team plan (in order to learn from the mistakes); that if we work together despite the level of English or getting nervous of the members, the work will be, at least, good. The project had well technical stuff. And they worked handicraft with children, that it was really good, because they develop creativity and it is not the typical magisterial class.

 KIA team may add to their project some songs, videos or pictures, something more graphic, in order to make children focus better and, so they learn more. And I think the games can be better if it doesn´t exist a clearly winner or someone up from the rest, all the pupils have to feel useful for the class and for their teams.
By the way, it was a complete project, so children would work group abilities and the solar system by enjoying the lessons.

The second group was The Minions. The project consisted on music and instruments. The work was structured in personal commitments, the didactic unit, highlighting the day a day notebook; bibliographic references and the team plan to finish it. But they started without a clear introduction. I would say they had a kind of “technical disaster”. And they didn’t explain anything if theory.  It wasn’t too entertaining.

 By the way I really liked the idea of the diary notebook despite I may miss a specific focus to the content of the subject to have a clear idea of how they know or how they are dealing with all the information.
In solving problems, they use a seedy way to doing it. The play a song with a mobile phone instead of searching the method of playing well, so they use the speed way but not the best or the smartest one to do it in my opinion.

Elisabet was very nervous, but avoiding that, it was good at speaking time. The general fluency of English was almost good, but there are going to improve it little a little.

The ideas were very clear. The project was very good at this aspect.

As our group, they used the Jigsaw technique, because is obvious it importance at the time of working in groups, making experts teams. The sessions were dynamic, so children would learn more or in a better form. Their activities make children feel useful for the class and their partners, and not being one better than other.
A special thing to mention is the work like a team. All the members do the entire project, I really liked that. Congratulations in that sense to The Minions.

To conclude my reflection I will say that it seems to be a good project for the future, correcting these little things, the children will enjoy the classes and the will learn, the main objective.

Reflection about presentations of 11/02/2014

The day 11 of february was a first day of presentations in our class. We have divided our class in groups, base groups as it is composed for 4 or in some cases 5 persons, is groups for a long time and heterogeneus groups, at least my group.  The project is about cooperative learning so not only we have a presentation, we have apply this theory in our owns groups to do the project, for example the distribution of team roles, each member have a different task, we must have a team plan for the organization, and carry out a self-assesment and co-assesment of other groups.

The first group that presented was KIA (kids in action) composed by Ana González, Ana Escribano y Pablo Magallares. Their project is about the planets in the solar system  and for teach it they use the jigsaw technique. The first that they showed us was the plane tables, their personal commitments, that's a interesting  fact because the rest of the class we can see how they try to improve this deficiencies. Also they showed us what responsabilities had each one and their objectives. My prefer session is which the children have to construct a model of  the solar sistem because i think that it's a good way to learn of fun way the planets, understand in which consist the solar sistem, and also they develop their creativity skill. I couldn't say something bad although I suposed that everything can be improve. Also it's a point for they that they solved a big problem with the walkout of Sara.

The second group was The Minions composed by Ainara, Elisabeth, Raúl, Irene and Isabel they work with the music subject and their sessions was divided in 3 sessions. They used the jigsaw technique as the previous team. Once stablished the base groups, they create experts groups so that each group is experts in the different kind of instrument ((air, string and percussion). One thing that i didn't like is that they didn't an introduction to their work, the index don't exist so until the end you don't have a complete idea about the structure of the work. In general I think it's a good project because is original and dynamic and at the end of the sequence they do a diary when the students reflect about what they have learned and at the same time practice other skills like writing.

jueves, 13 de febrero de 2014

Presentations of 11/02/2014

In this class two groups presented the proyects in which they had been working during the past weeks. These proyects were about cooperative learning, how we can integrate it in activities in a class and which are the best methods.

The first group to present their work was KIA (Kids in action) composed by Pablo Magallares, Ana Escribano and Ana Gónzalez. Their didactic sequence was about the solar system using Jigsaw and TGT techniques. First they showed us their plan tables, then their sessions and the materials they will use and finally the bibliography. I liked this proyect because they had good objectives and plans, they solved very well the problems (for example when one member of the group left the work they change things and continue with the work without her), they explain it very well and the didactic session was interesting. The thing I liked the most was the session in which children had to construct by themselves the solar system with all the planets, it is a good way for children to learn when they have to do things by their own not only listening to the teacher. Some aspects that I think they can improve are: include some visual material (for example videos) because children will learn more, and not use competitive games in which there is one winner and the rest will be losers, because this can affect to children self-confidence and if some always lose, they will lose their self-esteem. 
In conclussion, I liked this proyect and it is well-posed so children will learn a lot at the same time they are working in teams, improving their cooperative abilities and having fun.

The other group was The Minions composed by Isabel, Irene, Raúl, Elisabet and Ainara. Their didactic session was about music subject and the instruments world. They first introduced their personal commitments, then their sessions including a personal diary, the bibliography and finally the team plans. First of all, this group didn't have an introduction to their work or an index, so they start talking without structuring their work. The other aspect I didn't like to much was the diary, I think it is a good tool for children to learn but not in the way they used it. They used it as a reflection of children learning and the feelings they had but I think they should had included a reflection about the content they will be working on so that they can understand better the topic. Finally they had some problems in the preparation of the presentation because they had a piece of music they wanted to show us in their mobile phone so we couldn't hear it very well. Some aspects I liked were:  they used Jigsaw technique which is a very good tool to use in cooperative learning. They also wanted to make classes more active and in my opinion this is a good method better than if children are passive and don't involve in their own learning. Other aspect I liked was the activities they used because unlike the other group, there weren't winners or losers so children can feel more comfortable. Finally I likde the preparation of the proyect because as in my group, they prepared all the activities together so everyone knew all the parts of the work, it is better to work in groups rather than individually because there are more ideas and the work will be more creative. 
In conclussion, I also liked this proyect and I find interesting to work with it in a class. Children will have fun at the same time they are learning. 

PRESENTACIÓN 11-02-2014:

El martes fue nuestro primer día de exposiciones, tanto de la asignatura, como del cuatrimestre. En la clase se respiraba nervios, tanto por mis compañeros, como por mí.
No me importa hacer exposiciones, pero me da vergüenza hacerlas en inglés.
El primer grupo que empezó a exponer fue el grupo KIA, compuesto por Ana Escribano, Ana González y Pablo. Ellos utilizaron el Jitsaw y su exposición fue bastante bonita y amena.
El grupo KIA trato la importancia del aprendizaje cooperativo en clase, pues todos los niños aprenden de todos, van corrigiendo errores y mejorando. Sin embargo, en su secuencia didáctica trataron el tema de la competición; esta técnica no es muy correcta, ya que no pueden ganar unos y perder otros, es decir, hay que motivar a los niños para realizar los ejercicios pero no identificarlos como perdedores o ganadores.

El segundo grupo que expuso en esta clase fueron los Minions, compuesto por Ainara, Isabel, Raúl, Irene y Elisabeth. Ellos en su secuencia didáctica trabajaron sobre la música, pues querían hacerla más dinámica y menos práctica.
Lo que me gusto de este grupo fue el hecho de poner al final una evaluación grupal, individual y del profesor ya que intentas evaluar tu trabajo; otras de las cosas que me gustó es el hecho de marcar los objetivos porque de esta manera eres capaz de cumplirlos, motivar a los niños y tratar el respeto como valor fundamental en la clase ya que todos somos un equipo.
En su trabajo integraron la idea del diario, esta idea me gusta ya que va reflexionando y pensando sobre lo que has hecho bien y lo que has hecho mal, así como las mejoras…
Creo que para ser las primeras presentaciones han estado bastante bien, sin embargo el segundo grupo se me llegó a hacer lenta su exposición