The four magic teachers

The four magic teachers

viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Project about our ideal school.

This weeks we have been working about a new project, in our works team, as always. This project was more abstract and complicated than the previous was because we had to think a original way to show what we have learnt about some documents which we had to read about the education system and how must be a inclusive schools with the people who need help or have problems to integrate in the society.

This is a difficult situation to the people and sometimes the children with this types of problems have had a horrible experiences which mark him forever. However, I’m totally agree with something that Yolanda said, The children aren’t racist or  cruel with other persons, absolutely. The children are the person more pure and innocents and  they don’t  have prejudices. I saw on twitter a picture that show exactly this, I like it:

This would have to think what we are doing wrong if innocent people become in a people with prejudices. The adult must be careful to don’t  pass their social ideas to the children. The children have to know the world by their self and make their owns ideas about the society. I think that it is a common mistake  in the school, families… in the society. The most of adult treat different a persons who don’t be like them, because the are from other part of the world, or they haven’t any par of the body, of they have problems to communicate… the school have to do that this little differences don’t be something about worry. And the school have to be ready with appropriate infrastructure but also mental and psychologically to accept children with some type of  disability. In this way they can feel comfortable and the learning can flow. Because in cases like this the most important is the positive attitude of school, the teacher and the students.

I think that this is the main ideas of the project, then each groups focus in differents ideas and make their videos in different and original ways. In  general I think that all we did a great work and all projects was very interesting.

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