Second day of expositions. The
first group was “Encendiendo Bombillas” (Elisa, Mónica,
Laura Sanz and Javier).
They present about the environment. The structure
was: Introduction (with the index) - Team plan (responsibilities, aims…) – Science
sequence – Bibliography.
The didactic unit consisted on 4 sessions. In the
first one, the class would be separated in base teams, using Jigsaw technique.
I think it’s one of the best techniques to practice cooperative learning; in
fact, most of us used this method. The
secret is that every child has importance in the group so, as teachers, we
create a respectful atmosphere where everyone can expose his/her ideas.
The second lesson was to prepare an excursion
to botanic garden. Children would do it in experts’ teams to share different
information in order to plan and organize it. I think excursions and this kind
of activities are great for children to really learn and remember different
experiences because they enjoy more, they live the theory the use to listen.
So the third session is the proper excursion to
botanic garden, where kids are going to search for information and plants
The last session was quite interesting, but I
missed a clearer specification, because at our assessment time we didn’t know
what was the exactly aim or work. It consisted on, by groups; make a notebook
with pictures and plants information. I think it’s great to have a binnacle in
groups, too interesting, but I have doubts what is better: groupal notebook or an
individual one. I really like the idea of having one per group, but maybe, it is
more beautiful to have on each person.
This Organization team proposes to give a
regard, a certificate to each child, what is perfect. They also propose other 5
different awards (prettiest notebook, more information, better understanding of
the topic, most cooperative group and better use of materials). One of the
prizes was a positive point, but only for one, maybe that’s better for a common
prize. Other prize was to explain the next lesson, what may be is not a prize
for them, so we have to talk with them in order to know what they consider a prize
or not.
They finish the didactic unit with a
self-evaluation for the pupils, in order to make them to reflect about their
projects and what they can do better. It is a good idea to promote critical
thinking and develop self-concept skills.
In conclusion, it is a great project with
interesting ideas. Children are going to learn too much, but what it’s more
important, they are going to do it by enjoying their time.
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