The four magic teachers

The four magic teachers

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

Cooperative learning: Fifth day (Presentations of 25/02/2014)

Fifth day of expositions. It was the turn of Gizem, as she arrived late; she did it by her own. She did a great job, but it was more difficult. It was the perfect example of “It’s better to share ideas with someone”, so this project made sense, and we experimented and realized the importance of cooperative learning.
The structure of the presentation was: Index – “team plan” (individual, with her aims but without microtasks, neither the time spent) – Didactic unit – bibliography.

The didactic unit consisted on History subject. It was directed to 5th of Primary. There were three sessions. First session consisted on a theoretical class ended with a video to get clearer the ideas and the content. Using a video is a great resource, and children use to like this kind of activities, we only have to focus on the amenity of it but, in a beginning, it’s better than a teacher’s explanation; at least, in a theoretical lesson.
Second session was in base teams which each kid had a topic of the content to explain after that, in experts’ teams, to the rest of the group. It was, as many of us used, by Jigsaw technique so children learn by working in groups.

The second part of this session was an excursion to a museum, where children would analyze and observe to artworks for a next activity. I think it’s better to draw them because of museum’s permission. They would have to be in groups or teams, but in a museum it’s better to be a couple or a three-people group, so that they participate and they would really be part of the activity.

The final session consisted on, by base teams, talk about their museum experience and do a mural with their pictures or drawings.

The final prizes were different in order to give one to every group. They were “most cooperative group”, “most original”… That was perfect, but, I would change the prizes by agreeing with pupils what they consider a prize or not.

To conclude the exposition Gizem showed us the self-evaluation, which was good, because “bad” result wasn’t contemplated. That is because if children make an effort, the project will be minimum good.

It was a really good presentation; it could be better by being a group, but being only one, it was quite good. She had to work a lot to do it.

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